Child & Teen Coaching - Counselling & Therapy In Petwort
What My Clients Are Saying
Child and Teen Therapy West Sussex’s holistic approach has been a game changer for my
17 year old. With A levels approaching, Seb was feeling overwhelmed and was also
struggling to find revision techniques that worked for him. Samantha got to know Seb on a
very fundamental level within a couple of sessions; she absolutely “got him” and gave him
practical tools that really worked for him. Samantha recommended learning techniques
and tips which were tailored to Seb’s learning style and which have worked incredibly well
for him. Seb was able to put Samantha’s advice to work straight away in both getting to
grips with his exam stress and his revision. He now has tools at his disposal for dealing
with stress on his own, for absorbing information more effectively in lessons, for revision
planning and for memorising information. As a result, Seb’s grades and test results have
improved massively, not to mention his confidence. I can’t recommend Sam highly
Seb received Exam Performance with Accelerated Learning FIND OUT MORE